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Implementing Server-Side Pagination


In the realm of software development, implementing server-side pagination is a crucial aspect of optimizing the performance of web applications. In this guide, we will explore a practical implementation of server-side pagination using the popular web framework Express.js and a database ORM called Prisma. With the growing demand for custom software services in various sectors such as healthcare, financial services, and banking, this implementation can significantly enhance the functionality of custom software development tailored to the specific needs of these industries. Let’s delve into the steps to integrate server-side pagination.

In today’s dynamic tech landscape, efficient data management forms the backbone of seamless user experiences within applications. The integration of server-side pagination with filtering and search capabilities significantly enhances data retrieval and processing. This blog will guide you through the process of implementing server-side pagination with filtering and searching in a Node.js application using Express and Prisma, two widely used tools in the Node.js ecosystem.

Creating a Pagination Component in React:

Next, let’s create a React component that will display the paginated data and handle the pagination controls. We’ll use the axios library to make HTTP requests to the backend API.

Code Explanation

In the above code, we define the PaginationComponent functional component. It uses the useState hook to manage the currentPage, totalPages, and products state variables. The fetchProducts function is responsible for making the API call to retrieve the paginated data. It uses the axios library to send a GET request to the backend API, passing the current page and page size as query parameters. The retrieved data is then stored in the state variables.

We use the useEffect hook to trigger the fetchProducts function whenever the currentPage changes. This ensures that the component fetches the appropriate data whenever the user navigates to a different page.

The handlePrevPage and handleNextPage functions update the currentPage state, allowing the user to navigate to the previous and next pages. We disable the pagination controls when the user is on the first or last page to prevent invalid navigation.

Steps to Integrate Server-Side Pagination

  1. Setting Up the Environment:
    Ensure that you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. To begin, run the following commands in your terminal to install the necessary packages:
  1. Initializing Express and Prisma: Start by importing the required modules and initializing the Express application and Prisma client.
  1. Creating the Endpoint: Define an endpoint that handles GET requests for fetching paginated data. Extract the page, pageSize, filter, and searchKeyword query parameters from the request.
  1. Implementing Filtering and Searching: Utilize the filter and searchKeyword values to customize the Prisma query for filtering and searching. Adjust the where clause accordingly based on the provided filter and search parameters.
  1. Calculating Pagination Parameters: Calculate the offset and take values based on the page and pageSize parameters to determine the subset of data to be retrieved from the database.
  1. Retrieving Data and Total Count: Fetch the filtered and searched data from the Prisma database using the calculated parameters. Retrieve the total count of items that match the filter and search criteria.
  1. Returning the Results: Construct a JSON response containing the current page, page size, total item count, and the retrieved data.


Implementing server-side pagination is a vital technique for optimizing web application performance, especially when dealing with large datasets. By leveraging Express.js and Prisma, we can efficiently manage data retrieval while ensuring a seamless user experience. Consider customizing this implementation to suit your specific project requirements, and remember to prioritize error handling and performance optimization.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can integrate server-side pagination seamlessly into your custom software development projects, ensuring smooth data management and retrieval.

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