Stay ahead in Electron app development with Innostax's expert insights on auto-updating features. Streamline app updates seamlessly.
Electron is a framework used for building the cross platform desktop application by binding Chromium and NodeJs.
A tool or sandbox application used to perform experiments on Electron APIs or prototypes. If you have installed it then you can execute code using the Fiddle Editor button without copy paste the code.
In case of file structure, it has basically “index.html”, “preload.js” and “main.js”. Initially, when you start the development for an electron app you can use the “index.html” and “main.js” files only. In “index.html” file has the default content of the application and in “preload.js” add the functionality to load the custom components. And in the “main.js” file use the application methods and perform custom functions.
Electron has two main processes which are main and renderer processes, these have different responsibilities and are not interchangeable.
The renderer process is used to access the HTML DOM.
The main process is used to access the NodeJs APIs.
Inter-process communication modules are used to communicate between the main process and the renderer processes. We can use the “ipcMain” and “ipcRenderer” modules.
The packaging phase comes before distributing the electron app among the users.
The code signing process is certifying that the particular desktop application is created by a known source. If you have code signing certificates for windows and macOS then set the certificates in the respective configuration file. Windows and macOS have different signing systems.
Code signing is done at the application packaging level.
Distributable installer is signed.
Auto-update feature is provided by the Electron maintainers as free. But it has some conditions to follow:
Github publishers are used to publish the electron app. We have a choice with electron-forge and electron-builder, whereas electron-builder comes with full functionality flow but electron-forge has some limitations. And to work with this we need to add it as a dependency in the project by using the below NPM command.
To configure the publisher in the forge, you need to update the forge.config.js file. Add the github repository details in the configuration file of the forge, for which you will need the name of the repository and owner name (See the settings of the github).
Finally, you will have to add the script in the package. json file.
1 |
"publish": "electron-forge publish" |
Then, you will need to update the package.json file with this,
Add script in the package.json file
The same task we do by using the Github workflow.
After successful execution of the script, you can see the releases on Github .
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